Events & Meetings
ASME 2013 2nd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology(NEMB2013)
Post: 2014-09-26 14:19  View:3690
Feb. 4–6, 2013 in Boston, MA. US
The ASME 2013 2nd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB2013) will be held Feb. 4–6, 2013 in Boston, MA. The 2013 Congress will focus on the integration of Engineering, Materials Science, and Nanotechnology in addressing fundamental problems in Biology and Medicine and in developing devices, materials and methods for the early detection, imaging of pathological and physiological mechanisms, and treatment of disease.

Co-Chairs: Prof. Markus Buehler (MIT) and Prof. Mehmet Toner (Harvard/MIT).

Technical Program Chair: Prof. Guy Genin (Washington University, St. Louis)
Technical Co-Chairs: Prof. Paolo Decuzzi (The Methodist Hospital Research Institute), Prof. John Bischof (University of Minnesota)

Plenary Speakers

Track 1 Bioengineering for Medical Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Imaging
 P. Jack Hoopes (Dartmouth), Jerry Lee (NCI), CT Lim (National U of Singapore), Srikanth Singamaneni (Washington U, St. Louis), Omid Farokhzad (Harvard)

Track 2 Nano-/Microfluidics in Biology and Medicine: Analysis, Diagnostics and Therapeutics
 Ram Devireddy (LSU), Dean Ho (Northwestern), Feng Xu (Xian Jiaotong U), Ali Khademhosseini (MIT), Tony Jun Huang (Penn State) 
Keynotes: Gang Bao (Georgia Tech), Rashid Bashir (UIUC), Raoul Kopelman (U Mich), Shan Wang (Stanford), Scott Manalis (MIT)

Track 3 Nanoengineering for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
 Roger Kamm (MIT), Bumsoo Han (Purdue), Brad Weiner (The Methodist Hospital System), Dennis Orgill (BWH), Joyce Wong (Boston U)
Keynotes: Ennio Tascotti (TMHRI), Hyun Joon Kong (UIUC), Sherry Harbin (Purdue), Joe Tien (Boston U), Anna Tampieri (TMHRI)

Track 4 Manufacturing and Materials for Nanomedicine, Biology and Nanoengineering
 Ehud Gazit (Tel Aviv U), Dong Qin (Georgia Tech), Nathan Sniadecki (U of Washington), Vladimir Torchilin (Northeastern), Tuomas Knowles (U of Cambridge)
Keynote: Shouheng Sun (Brown)

Track 5 Multiscale Modeling and Experiment in Biology and Medicine
 Mark Bathe (MIT), Suvranu De (Rensselaer), Sinan Keten (Northwestern), Grace Peng (NIBIB), Yusheng Feng (UT San Antonio)
Keynotes: Anna Balazs (U Pittsburgh), Bruce Shapiro (NIH/NCI)

Track 6 Biological Nanomechanics: Materials Factors in Physiology, Disease and Treatment
 Gang Bao (Georgia Tech), Jianping Fu (U Mich), Konstantinos Konstantopoulos (Johns Hopkins), Robert Ros (Arizona State)
Keynotes: Christopher S. Chen (U Penn), Horacio Dante Espinosa (Northwestern), Roger Kamm (MIT), Taher Serif (UIUC), Joachim Spatz (U of Heidelberg), Dennis Discher (U Penn), Viola Vogel (ETH Zurich), Daniel Fletcher (UC Berkley), Denis Wirtz (JHU)

Track 7 Natural, Biomimetic and Bioinspired Materials and Structures
Organizers: Alisa Morss Clyne (Drexel), Philip LeDuc (Carnegie Mellon), David Kaplan (Tufts)
Keynotes: Fiorenzo Omenetto (Tufts), Tony Weiss (U Sydney), Kit Parker (Harvard), Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT), Jason Burdick (U Penn), Ulrike Wegst (Dartmouth), Gershon Golomb (Hebrew U), Tarek Fahmy (Yale)

Track 8 Nanotechnology and Public Health
 Desiree Plata (Duke), Srikanth Nadadur (NIEHS)
Keynotes: Mark Wiesner (Duke), Robert Tanguay (U of Oregon), Bob Hurt (Brown), Michael Strano (MIT), Som Mitra (NJIT), Douglas E. Evans (NIOSH), Tom Seager (Arizona State), Frank von der Kammer (Vienna), Kevin Dreher (US EPA)

Tutorials on emerging topics of Nanoengineering for Medicine & Biology will be offered.
Student Awards

Submit your abstract (optional 400 word abstract & 2-page extended abstract OR presentation-only abstract) to be considered for the best student podium presentation or best student poster awards for each track.
Reprinted from the Website:
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